A occupational health or management referral may be required where a manager or supervisor identifies a possible health issue that is likely to have an ongoing effect on work attendance or performance. Individuals can be referred whilst they are attending work or if they are absent from work.
To make a referral a management referral form should be completed.
Completing the form
The person making the referral should ensure the employee is aware of the referral and the rationale behind it. The management referral form should include the concerns raised by management and the advice required. The employee should be directed to the Adept OH Privacy Policy as part of your discussions around the management referral form content.
Personal information is treated in medical confidence, and will not be shared unless the employee gives consent.
The exception to this is where Occupational Health are given information which is considered to pose a significant risk to health and safety of the individual or others.
Ready to refer?
- Please fill in as much of the management referral form as you can as this will save time and effort later on
- Ensure you indicate the reason for your referral
- Give as much information as possible
The completed form should be password protected and sent in confidence to
The employee will be contacted by Adept OH Ltd and an appointment for consultation arranged as soon as possible.
After the employee has attended their appointment, and with employee consent, the adviser will produce an outcome report for the referring manager in order to address the questions raised in the referral. The final OHA report is normally received by management within 2-5 days of the assessment.
The role of the Occupational Health Service is purely advisory, both to manager and employee, and is in no way enforcing or disciplinary.